Hong Kong is overloaded with massage offers, among these providers many don’t match the essential quality level that is required to ensure the customer body do not get damaged by bad or incompetent manipulations. Our founding team begun this project with the mission of providing truly therapeutic massage to every customer together with a pleasant dose of sensuality. All this in a high end luxury facility in the heart of Hong Kong Central district.
There’s a lot to love about living in Hong Kong, but the humble foot massage has to be one of its best pampering perks! Here are three of our favourite spots.

Cheap & Cheerful
Get pampered on a budget at Halite, where the Chinese foot reflexology massage complete with signature Himalayan crystal salt scrub and foot bath costs a mere $159 for 45 minutes.
We only work with the best hypoallergenic oils, we have the best quality massage rooms with professional beds and large private showers, temperature controlled and sound controlled environement. Our personnel knows what means to be 100% customer focused and to keep a happy peaceful atmosphere. We are always listening any customer feedback before, during and after the massage. Talk to us: We will listen and act upon your feedback.
Basement, CNT Building, 302 Queen’s Road Central, Sheung Wan
2808 0028 | halitehk.com
Escape the Hong Kong hustle at tropical-chic sanctuary Ten Feet Tall; a relaxing 50-minute reflexology massage will ease those weary soles in style for $320 to 360.
20/F & 21/F, The L Place, 139 Queen’s Road, Central
2971 1010 | tenfeettall.com.hk
Splash Out
Foot massages don’t come much more luxurious than those at The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, where podiatrist-to-the-stars Bastien Gonzalez’s heavenly 60-minute pedicure – including massage, nail and skin treatments – costs $1,090 to $1,350.
The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road, Central
2132 0011 | mandarinoriental.com/landmark